Olympus Has Fallen

  Ok action fan for this post I want to talk about an action movie that I saw over the weekend that’s been out for a little over a month. The movie I’m talking about is called “Olympus Has Fallen” featuring King Leonidas himself,Gerard Butler  (“300”). The film is directed by Antoine Fuqua, (“Training Day”).
Photo: roflrazzi.cheezburger.com

   Granted it’s been awhile since we’ve seen Butler as an action hero on the big screen. The last time we saw him in this kind of role was in 2009’s “Gamer.”  “Olympus Has Fallen” has proven that Butler still has what takes to be a great action star and not be in another chick flick like “The Bounty Hunter.”
   The White House, dubbed Olympus by the Secret Service, is taken over by a Korean terrorist (kind of ironic with what’s going on today) and his men for America’s wrong doing in their country. They also hold the president hostage with a number of the White House staff. The terrorists hold off the police and army as they attempt to put their evil plan into action.  Our hero is a disgraced former secret service agent named Mike Banning (Butler) who now has a desk job in the Treasury Department. As the terrorist attack begins Banning rushs into action and gets trapped in the White House with the terrorists. With inside knowledge and the skills needed to survive, Banning must rescue the president and the other hostages before the terrorists can destroy the country.
   According to imdb.com, “Olympus Has Fallen” brought in a little over $30 million in its opening weekend. This film contains excellent action from a high body count, explosions (sometimes it was like watching a Michael Bay movie), and great fight sequences.
   The craziest thing that happened in this film was when a huge AC-130 gunship suddenly flies over Washington D.C shooting up the town as the terrorist attack started. You really needed one of those clickers to keep count as so many civilians and secret service agents were killed.
   Butler’s portrayal of Manning reminded me of John McLain (Brue Willis), from “Die Hard.” Manning was at the wrong place at the wrong time and had no time to be scared as he leaped into action to save the day. Butler proves that he is becoming the next generation action star.
   Rick Yune (“The Manwith the Iron Fists”) portrayed the terrorist leader Kang. Yune in the past has always played a great villain and has great fight scenes due to his martial arts background. When it came to Banning’s and Kang’s final confrontation I was expecting a longer fight sequence. I felt like it was rushed by Fuqua and plus you didn’t need the president lying there after being stabbed screaming for Banning to kill Kang. It killed the dramatic effect of the whole fight sequence.
  The cast included Aaron Eckhart (“The Dark Knight”) as President Asher, Radha Mitchell (“TheCrazies”) as Banning’s wife Leah, Dylan McDermott (“The Campaign”) as Agent Forbes, and Morgan Freeman (“The Shawshank Redemption”) as Speaker of the House Trumbull who becomes acting president.
   With a great cast, easy to follow storyline and good action sequences, “Olympus Has Fallen”, is a must see.


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