Riddick....Pitch Black 2???

Photo By: collider.com
Vin Diesel (“Fast Five”) makes his return as the iconic galactic criminal slash hero, Riddick, in the third installment of this movie franchise. As you began to think that this is another great movie, you also begin to notice some similarities that revert to the first film, “Pitch Black”, as you get involved more and more with this film.
   This movie takes place after “The Chronicles of Riddick” where Riddick has become king of the Necromongers after killing their leader. We see that Riddick isn’t happy with his newfound power; he wishes to find his home planet and understand where he truly comes from. Vaako, played by Karl Urban (“Dredd”), tells Riddick that he knows where his home planet is and promises to take him there.  However, Vaako ends up betraying him and then leaves him for dead on a deserted planet. Now Riddick must survive on a new unknown planet and fight against strange creatures. Riddick then stumbles onto an abandoned bounty hunting station where he finds and presses a distress signal and prepares to face whatever comes. Hopefully, because of these unique circumstances, he may finally be able to get off this new planet.
   Looking like another great action movie, it felt like some parts of the film were lacking something.  Diesel did a great job playing Riddick as in his previous films.  However when he took out each of his adversaries, it looked a little too easy and quick. The fight scenes in each sequence started out just fine, but after Riddick kills each enemy the audience is left thinking that more could have done more with each fight sequence.
   As the film progresses, the audience figures out why Riddick has wanted to get off this God-forsaken planet so badly.  A thread of a familiar storyline begins to appear. It feels like the director and co-writer along with Jim Wheat (“The Return”) that David Twohy (“Pitch Black”) wanted to revert to the same old basic storyline as in “Pitch Black”. As a fan of this movie franchise; however, I thought we would finally see where Riddick actually comes from and how he became the man he is.
   In the opinion of this blogger, I will say that the best character in this movie, besides Riddick of course, was Katee Sackhoff’s (“Longmire”) character, Dahl, who was a tom-boyish butt- kicking mercenary who was not afraid to get her hands dirty.  Sackhoff always does a great job playing these kinds of tough characters.
   Also starring in this movie are Jordi Mollà (“Blow”), Dave Bautista from the World Wrestling Entertainment venue, and Matt Nable (“Killer Elite”).  
   All in all, this is a great good film to see but owning or watching it again is still up in the air in the opinion of this blogger.


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